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Publications and media

It has been a privilege to have my research focused on various journals, conferences, and media outlets

Featured publication

 Kamot: The first academic investigation of human-shark conflict in Sundarbans. 


Human shark research


  • Aich, R. S. (2022). White Sharks and Caged Humans; an Ethnographic Exploration of Great White Shark Cage Diving in New Zealand. Niyogi Books, India, Delhi.

In preparation

  • Kamot, human- shark conflict in Sundarbans.

Academic publications


  • Aich, R. S. & Weber, T. (2023). SHHRKS -Appell zur ganzheitlichen Erforschung der Hai-Mensch-Beziehung (SHHRKS-Appeal for holistic research into shark-human relationship). Ozean: Tierstudien. Neofelis Verlag. 

  • Aich, R. S., & Chakraborty, P. . (2022). Kamot: The first academic investigation of human-shark conflict in Sundarbans. TRACE ∴ Journal for Human-Animal Studies, 8.

  • Aich, R.S. (2021). Jaws, old dwellings, and heartbreak; Meditations of a shark anthropologist on multimodality. Entanglements, experiments in multimodal ethnography.Aich, R. S. (2021).

  • Aich, R.S. (2021) The Kamot Ganga Puja: Sharks of Sundarban. Visual Ethnography, 10(1), Article 1.

  • Aich, R.S. (2021). Great White Shark a hyperreal monster; conceptual contemplation on the

  • post-Jaws image. Academia Letters, Article 3448.

  • Aich, R.S. (2021). Jaws and beauty, reflections on Great White Shark demystification. Academia Letters, Article 2869.

  • Aich, R.S. (2021). Cage less diving with white sharks, a multispecies perspective. Academia Letters, Article 2494.

  • Jøn, A.A. & Aich, R. S. (2015). Southern Shark Lore Forty Years After Jaws: The positioning of sharks within Murihiku, New Zealand. in Australian Folklore: A Yearly Journal in Folklore Studies, vol. 30.


     In press

  • Aich, R. S. (In press). Poster of a hyperreal monster, and the evolving eras of white shark image (book chapter). Emerging Voices for Animals in Tourism. 



  • Iridescent Skin; An Ethnographic Documentary of Cage Diving in New Zealand. (2020).

Media publications

Psychology research

  • Aich. R.S (2013). A study of Romantic Motive and Mental Health in Relation to Creativity of Male Painters and Non-painters. University of Calcutta .DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.13895.19361

  • Dutta, S., & Aich, R. S. (2023). Theory of planned behavior predicting entrepreneurial intention among West Bengal students. Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 10 (9), 360-367.

  • Sarcar, S., & Aich, R. S. (2023). The relationship between locus of control, breakup distress and coping strategies among college students in India.  International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 10 (3), 574-584.

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